Stacy Pamphile is a Clinical Supervisor in the Broward location of Florida Autism Treatment Centers. She has been working in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis since the summer of 2014. Stacy is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and has worked with children diagnosed with ASD, ages 2 to 15. She has experience in behavior reduction, skill acquisition, and parent training. Stacy has worked in a variety of settings, including, home, school, clinic, and community. Stacy has a passion for advocating for families affected by developmental disabilities. She thrives to help improve the quality of life of those with developmental disabilities and loves to draw out their extraordinary potential.
- Verbal behavior and language acquisition
- Providing supervision and training to students
- Working with the adult population diagnosed with ASD
- M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis from University of South Florida
- B.S. in Psychology, with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis, from Florida International University.
Personal Interests
- Adventure
- Food and travel
- Cooking